Category "wine preservation"

in wine preservation

The taste for wine with Wikeeps: a journey for the senses

Wine is more than just a beverage; it is a sensory experience that brings together history, ...

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in wine preservation

Extend the pleasure of english sparkling wine over 7 days with Bubbl.

With Bubbl., english sparkling wine can be kept for more than 7 days when opened If ...

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in About Wikeeps®, wine preservation

Wikeeps preserves natural wine!

The excellence of natural wine preservation The oenological process used by Wikeeps is acclaimed by many ...

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in About Wikeeps®, wine preservation

Innovation to the rescue of Wine Preservation

Introduction During the Foire aux Vins, wine lovers fill up their cellars with bottles. For wines ...

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in wine preservation

Astringent wine and preservation

What is an astringent wine ? A wine is astringent when one has the sensation of ...

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in wine preservation

A successful by-the-glass wine list

Maximize your wine by the glass offering with Wikeeps The list is often a customer’s first ...

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in wine preservation

A wine rack cabinet will ease your temperature control

Wine rack cabinet, for an ideal temperature. As Christmas approaches, there’s one moment we tend to ...

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in wine preservation

Argon + CO2, for gas cartridges used to preserve wine

Inerting: An Essential Process for Wine Preservation Inerting is a technique that dates back several decades, ...

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in wine preservation

Ageing wines definition and characteristics

Ageing wines are precious wines that require specific storage and maturation to reach their full potential. ...

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Coravin gas cartridge: a must-have for wine lovers in 2023

Introduction The world of wine is constantly evolving, driven by the momentum of new technologies that ...

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